Florian Lierzer is a People Photographer. In his formative years, from 2008 to 2015, he honed his skills working with a cadre of international photographers as a Light and Digital Assistant around Europe and overseas. His sensitive personality and compassionate sense for people and their characters make him an ideal companion to work with. His personal work involves staged photography inspired by autobiographical insights and photography as a means of personal inquiry and deliberate practice. Currently he is offering large format photography for clients who need a more unique portrait. Another gain of his repertoire is photography in and under water.
Rechbauerstrasse 65/12
A-8010 Graz
Rechbauerstrasse 63A
A-8010 Graz
0043 650 544 60 90
Teamed up with:
Bergwelten, BMW, Caritas, Carpe Diem, Colliers Int., Diva, Die Gärten NÖ, EVN, Gösser Bräu Graz, Güssinger, Hamburg Eyewear, Immola Home & Living, HDA Graz, Jägermeister, Niederösterreich / Oberösterreich Tourismus, Ortweinschule, Odilien Institut, Österreich Werbung, Der Pragmaticus, Pro Holz Austria, Poleit, Pyhrn-Priel Tourismus, Red Bull Media House, Maledives Surfing, Salt Water Magazine, SEL Surfboards, Sigmund Freud Museum Wien, Vice, Vagabund Moto, Wifi, WKO, Wella Professionals, Wiener Alpen, Zuegg.